Nearly 15 Years Experience in Orphan Care and Adoption.
Their story begins in October 1996 when they first began working with children in a mission orphanage in the Philippines. Through an orphan hosting program, they helped their Filipino Pastor and his wife host an 8 yr. old girl from the orphanage for two weeks, so she could spend Christmas in a home with a real family. In that brief time, the girl had so thoroughly bonded with the family that she did not want to go back to the orphanage, and the Pastor told them they wanted to adopt her, but couldn't affort it. They recall thinking to themselves at the time, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could just hand him the money to make her adoption possible?"
Not understanding the legal process, he asked if she could just stay with them and never go back to the orphanage, but that was not to be. Observing the anguish the girl suffered as I returned her to the orphanage, I began asking myself, "What's wrong with this picture?" That picture will haunt me for the rest of my life and that was the day the Lord planted the vision for Adoption Ministry in my heart, and it has changed my life forever.
Statement of Faith
But, He still wanted us to spend six years of intensive hands-on training in the orphanage to give us a thorough understanding of the hearts and minds of orphans, and their desperate longing for a loving family and a home for good. That's why we were eager to obey in 2002, when He called us to establish the Home For Good Foundation, which happened in March 2003.
Statement of Faith
We believe:
The Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
That regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential to the salvation of sinful people, and that men are saved by grace alone, through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by works.
In the ever-present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those that are saved, unto the resurrection of eternal life and those that are lost, unto the resurrection of damnation.
In the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Core Values
"We are first Christian, adopted children of God" - Committed to the highest moral and ethical standards of excellence in word and deed. They model honesty and integrity, which honor God, and benefit mankind. As Ambassadors for Christ, they seek to make Him known in all we do. Eph 1:5, 2Cor 5:20, Matt 5:16
"We are Servants" - Committed to transforming the lives of orphan children. Jas. 1:27
"We are Active" - and cannot sit idle while orphan children languish in institutions. Jas 2:15-17
'We are Compelled' - Because we are so blessed, we serve our brothers in need. 1st John 3:17
"We are Stewards" - Accountable to God and our donors, to maximize the benefit of their contributions. "We are committed to excellence in the management of resources at our disposal, which are not our own, but a sacred trust from God." Luke 16:2
"We are Global Citizens" - Committed to serving children, regardless of racial and ethnic barriers or national boundaries. 1 Cor 12:13
"We are Bold" - Because of our faith, we dream impossible dreams, believing God will make them happen. Psalm 37:5, John 14:13, 1st John 3:22
"We are Reliable" - Our word is a sacred contract and we honor our word. We are on time for appointments and honor all our commitments. Jas 5:12
Home For Good Foundation volunteer opportunities
Volunteer to take books to Bible Colleges and Church Book Stores. Help with news letter writing and computer website updating. Are you a Christian writer? We can use someone to produce Sunday school materials on adoption. Grant writing and follow up. Volunteer at special events to help staff our table.
Foster Care
Foster care is a special calling. You can find out how to become a foster parent and what it involves by contacting Norfil or KBF. They will be thrilled to hear from you. They offer seminars to teach you what you need to know. There is a process to becoming legally licensed foster parent. It does not cost anything to do this although we do suggest a donation if you are able to give just to cover the one time cost of getting you started. The foundation you choose to work with will become your partner in caring for a child, will place a child with you and will follow up along the way. They also pay a small stipend to help you cover the cost of feeding the child who is placed in your care. Foster care is a good alternative to institutional care while a child is waiting for a permanent family to adopt them.
Support a child in foster care or in institutional care
While supporting a child or the family or institution they live in is a rather obvious suggestion on how to help. It deserves mentioning. Most of the institutions in the Philippines are NGO's. Foster families receive very little help. That means they must come up with funds from donation. While sometimes there are livelihood projects that help raise some funds, donations are the primary support. If you know of a foster family you might consider making them a target of your benevolence. Get to know them and find out what they need.
"We are Active" - and cannot sit idle while orphan children languish in institutions. Jas 2:15-17
'We are Compelled' - Because we are so blessed, we serve our brothers in need. 1st John 3:17
"We are Stewards" - Accountable to God and our donors, to maximize the benefit of their contributions. "We are committed to excellence in the management of resources at our disposal, which are not our own, but a sacred trust from God." Luke 16:2
"We are Global Citizens" - Committed to serving children, regardless of racial and ethnic barriers or national boundaries. 1 Cor 12:13
"We are Bold" - Because of our faith, we dream impossible dreams, believing God will make them happen. Psalm 37:5, John 14:13, 1st John 3:22
"We are Reliable" - Our word is a sacred contract and we honor our word. We are on time for appointments and honor all our commitments. Jas 5:12
Volunteer Oppurtunities
Home For Good Foundation volunteer opportunities
Volunteer to take books to Bible Colleges and Church Book Stores. Help with news letter writing and computer website updating. Are you a Christian writer? We can use someone to produce Sunday school materials on adoption. Grant writing and follow up. Volunteer at special events to help staff our table.
Foster Care
Foster care is a special calling. You can find out how to become a foster parent and what it involves by contacting Norfil or KBF. They will be thrilled to hear from you. They offer seminars to teach you what you need to know. There is a process to becoming legally licensed foster parent. It does not cost anything to do this although we do suggest a donation if you are able to give just to cover the one time cost of getting you started. The foundation you choose to work with will become your partner in caring for a child, will place a child with you and will follow up along the way. They also pay a small stipend to help you cover the cost of feeding the child who is placed in your care. Foster care is a good alternative to institutional care while a child is waiting for a permanent family to adopt them.
Support a child in foster care or in institutional care
While supporting a child or the family or institution they live in is a rather obvious suggestion on how to help. It deserves mentioning. Most of the institutions in the Philippines are NGO's. Foster families receive very little help. That means they must come up with funds from donation. While sometimes there are livelihood projects that help raise some funds, donations are the primary support. If you know of a foster family you might consider making them a target of your benevolence. Get to know them and find out what they need.
Volunteer at an orphanage
The following is a list of Child Caring organizations. They are members of the Association of Child Caring Agencies of the Philippines (ACCAP). There is a standard that must be met for achieving membership; therefore we highly recommend that you consider volunteering your time and talent at one of the following agencies.
Home for Good FoundationPhone Number Mobile: 0917-569-9164
Look for: Ms. Malen Papadopoulos - Philippines Representative |
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