Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Aids Society of the Philippines

Since its inception in 1996, ASP had proudly campaigned for the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS through special events and direct hands-on volunteer assistance. We welcome individuals of all races, religions and origins who demonstrate an interest in a commitment to volunteer service. - 

See more at: http://www.aidsphil.org/#sthash.IPmux1BO.dpuf

The AIDS Society of the Philippines (ASP) is a leading association of individuals from the government, non-government agencies, and the private sector, with a common unifying interest in preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS. As a membership organization, it counts among its members, experts and professionals from diverse fields such as health and development, infectious diseases, public health, business, and media and communications.
ASP was established in 1996 by its Founding President, Dr. Ofelia T. Monzon, who pioneered investigative studies on HIV/AIDS at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine in Alabang, Muntinlupa. Its mission is the promotion and support of activities to prevent and control the spread of HIV/ AIDS.
For Volunteers please visit :http://www.aidsphil.org/volunteer/

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